Impact Revival MinistriesRevival with Impact throughout the nations!
We live in an age of change, moment by moment, precedents are set, opened…and barriers of morality and spirituality are pushed to the limit. We all live judging each other by our own value system, we have termed obedience by our comfort zone. If its comfortable its God…if it brings financial profit, it must be of God. Jesus had nowhere to lay His Head…

What do you base your value system? The Word? Then watch how quickly we can become diametrically opposed to modern thinking in a matter of moments. We can boast of our Christian values, but when the rubber hits the road we are actually rowing against the very principles that the Kingdom is based.

So watch yourself, because whilst human governments fight for equal rights, the Christian faith is taking the biggest confrontation in any century. Now it is acceptable not to blaspheme the Moslem faith, but Jesus is blasphemed every day. It is acceptable for the homosexual community to target the Christian faith to attack because they want to justify their own lifestyle. Where is the respect for our faith? What happened to the foundations that founded our nation? What happened to the stones laid in the foundation of the nation in revivals past?

It is urgent to keep anchored in our faith, in the Word…because the world is hurtling to hell at light speed velocity. We are flowing in the wheels within the wheels of the faith…let us not lose our perspective.

Your value system is a person, it is Christ Himself. Let us walk with Him and walk with Him day by day, and we shall find that we recognize the subtle changes that satan dares to sow in our hearts. We shall resist and cast him out.

We cannot compromise to be respected…we must be different to impact!


The Substance over the evidence
Today, in a powerful encounter with the Lord, I was taken to Hebrews 11:1, and given a powerful teaching for my own personal situation but rather also, a prophetic word for sharing with the Body at large.

Now  faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

There are TWO KEY WORDS HERE: 1) Substance 2) Evidence.

The Lord gave me a teaching today that we must have the substance before the evidence and over the evidence. The evidence being the manifestation of those unseen things.

Many have a problem with faith due to lifestyle problems, and their own mindsets. Today for us to believe we must see…but the Bible teaches us the opposite. We must believe to see.

The Lord says we must have first the substance for us to have evidence of the substance we acquired from the Lord. The Lord told me that my substance is the call…which comes from an encounter with the Word…which is Jesus.

Sometimes we have nothing to show, and nothing to prove…all we have is the substance that God depositted in our hearts.

What made Abraham walk hundreds of miles…a substance of vision, of a celestial city..a community? Yes, this substance propelled him forward.

Caleb, was sustained more years because of his “substance” the mountain of Hebron.

What will sustain you? Substance of God Himself coming into your life, lifting you above the possible to the impossible. Lifting you from the mundance to the mighty, lifting you from routine to purpose.

This substance will propel you forward…this substance will sustain you, and will take you into places and status in God…

You must have the substance over evidence…the evidence never got you anywhere in God…it makes you a person with lack of faith…believe and you will see the Glory of God…John 11.

It was the substance which kept men and women praying for revival on Hebrides…they got a outpouring of God’s Glory. They got their substance from 2 Chronicles 7:14.

What is your substance? Are you looking for evidence? Don’t, wait on your substance…move in your substance and you shall overcome kingdoms, authorities, and peoples.

We will not move mountains, waiting for signs, but for trusting in the substance of our faith!
